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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Funny Ad! I just had to share!

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Monday, June 29, 2009

Fully-Customized Blog Giveaway! Enter to Win!

Ms. Mik of So Dazzling Blogs is giving away a fully-customized blog layout on July 12th!

The winner of this giveaway will receive the following fully-customized blog elements:




5-8 Navigation Bar buttons (across the top)

Fonts for your post titles,dates, and sidebar titles.

2 or 3 columns

***Any extra add ins remember this is all inclusive***

To be eligible to win:

Follow So Dazzling Blogs

Comment on her giveaway post

For extra entries (list in separate comments):

Post about this giveaway

Follow Ms Mik on twitter

Tweet about this giveaway

Add her button to your sidebar

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Sunday, June 28, 2009

I have been gifted the Humane Award!

Vicki from Reading at the Beach has so graciously awarded my blog with the humane award! Thank you so much, Vicki! Your blog has been a cherished read of mine, as well.

Please go visit Vicki! I promise, you will love her blog just as much as I do.

"The Humane Award is in order to honor certain bloggers that I feel are kindhearted individuals. They regularly take part in my blog and always leave the sweetest comments. If it wasn’t for them, my site would just be an ordinary blog.

Their blogs are also amazing and are tastefully done on a daily basis. I thank them and look forward to our growing friendships through the blog world.”

Recipients of this award should write a post about it, linking to the person gifted the award, along with ten of their own nominees.

Bloggers who I have nominated:

BWS tips button

PhotobucketGeorgia Angel ~A Southern Aries WomanMission Mommy

PhotobucketOutnumbered 3 to 1

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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

AWARDS added for Blog it Foward!

I have added an award to give out to those bloggers who inspire you. Please see the original post for details (< ------- click on the red).

Blog it Forward

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Monday, June 22, 2009

Vision impairments go undetected in school-aged children

Vision is the key to success!

According to the American Optometric Association, over ten million children in the United States suffer from undetected vision problems, despite the vision screening efforts conducted by public schools.

The tests administered in a public school setting may reveal 20/20 vision, but this simply means that one can see that which they are supposed to see from twenty feet away. Vision is much more complicated than that.

In a school setting, the majority of hands on work requires the ability to see up close -- to read, draw, write, create. If your child cannot visualize the work before them, how can they be expected to complete this work?

Every child needs to have the following vision skills for effective reading and learning, as defined by the AOA :

  • Visual acuity — the ability to see clearly in the distance for viewing the chalkboard, at an intermediate distance for the computer, and up close for reading a book.
  • Eye Focusing — the ability to quickly and accurately maintain clear vision as the distance from objects change, such as when looking from the chalkboard to a paper on the desk and back. Eye focusing allows the child to easily maintain clear vision over time like when reading a book or writing a report.
  • Eye tracking — the ability to keep the eyes on target when looking from one object to another, moving the eyes along a printed page, or following a moving object like a thrown ball.
  • Eye teaming — the ability to coordinate and use both eyes together when moving the eyes along a printed page, and to be able to judge distances and see depth for class work and sports.
  • Eye-hand coordination — the ability to use visual information to monitor and direct the hands when drawing a picture or trying to hit a ball.
  • Visual perception — the ability to organize images on a printed page into letters, words and ideas and to understand and remember what is read.

A deficit in any one of these categories can affect your child's behavior and performance. Often times, many behavioral issues are misdiagnosed due to undetected vision problems.

A child with a diagnosis of Attention Deficit Disorder, for example, may have been diagnosed according to their short attention span and/or the inability to recall what they have just read. These are two of many symptoms of visual disturbances which overlap the criteria for an attention deficit evaluation.

As a parent, we should all be aware that our children cannot always tell us of their vision difficulties, especially if this impairment has been occurring most, if not all, of their young lives. The child may not be able distinguish between normal vision versus abnormal vision, based on the fact that the deficit is normal to them.

One of the best ways to ensure your child's continual success in school is to have them undergo a comprehensive eye exam prior to entering the public school system. It is recommended that parents have their child's vision screen at the ages of six months, three years, and once per year afterward.

Vision changes occur frequently as our children age, and so yearly screenings can keep their eyes functioning at maximum potential. If your child experiences subtle vision changes, a more frequent exam schedule may be warranted. It is up to us, as parent, to be knowledgeable of the obscure symptoms that are easily overlooked.

A children's vision 'Symptom Checker' has been made available by the Children's Vision website. Please scroll down on their website, after completing the chart for further information, regarding your results.

The state of Illinois has, now, made a comprehensive eye exam mandatory for all who are entering the public school system, or those transferring from other states. More information concerning this requirement can be found on the Illinois Optometric Association's website.

A collaborative effort between parents, optometrists, and our public school system is necessary to provide our children with healthy eyes for a brighter future. Please contact your eye care provider to give your child a healthy visual start to education.

If you do not currently have an eye care provider for your child, please search here to find a pediatric optometrist in your area.

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Sunday, June 21, 2009

Cover Me . . . I'm Changing Lanes!

I have been driving over twenty years, now, and the experiences I have had while on the road never cease to amaze me.

I am thirty-seven years old, and have never had a ticket. I am always courteous to other drivers, and have always kept the safety of my passengers, fellow motorists and myself priority one.

Shouldn’t everyone adhere to this “safety first” philosophy while driving? Isn’t this concept the main focus in every driving course throughout the nation? If so, then why is the “Instant Idiot . . . Just add License” ideal so commonly practiced?

I am minding my own business, driving just a tad over the speed limit in the far right lane down I-94, just North of Chicago. A bright yellow sign warns all southbound drivers, well in advance, of merging traffic just ahead.

As I approach the area, I noticed the line of people trying to enter the highway. The lanes to my left are full of fellow commuters apparently oblivious to my bright signal flashing repeatedly in their faces, so I could not move over. The people directly in front of me actually sped up to establish their subjective “I’m the leader” status. I let off the gas and allowed a few cars to merge in front of me. One person gestured “thank you” by waving his hand as he fluently positioned his vehicle in front of mine.

I heard a loud, continuous horn angrily bellowing behind me. I glanced up in my rear view mirror just in time to see this grumpy old man pressing the backs of his hands against the inside of his windshield and extending each of his middle fingers upward in objection of my reactions. I guess he thought I could read lips, too, because he was definitely mouthing some obscenities. It is, however, possible he was practicing his speech for the Society for Positive Change, but I have never seen such gestures given by representatives of good will. I simply ignored his moronic contribution to my day and laughed it off.

I find the “me first” mentality that plagues our roadways incredibly juvenile and humorous. People go out of the way to let drivers know they are in a hurry, running late, or just controlling, selfish jerks. Cutting other motorists off, speeding up when someone is trying to change lanes or tailgating each and every rear end they encounter just so they can be in the lead is really taking it to the extreme. There are better ways to be an ass-kisser, you know!

This is where I like to have some fun. After all, I have nothing to do with their lack of time management skills, and have already prepared for my journey by leaving early enough to still be on time, should unforeseen events occur en route.

If I am going the speed limit or just a little above, I generally keep to the right side of the road, unless politely passing someone who feels more comfortable driving at a slower speed. Vehicles hurtle past me like projectile missiles, as their drivers frantically rush toward their destinations.

A bumpers sticker that reads, “I may be slow, but I’m ahead of you” proudly graces my rear bumper, ridiculing each and every person who believes I will speed up or move over simply because they are riding my tail.

I don't know why, but being rushed through anything has always made me slow down. This character trait intuitively lightens my foot on the gas pedal, making the driver behind me go even slower. Perhaps this legible phrase combined with my reaction will elicit better time management practices in their future, but I'm not holding my breath.

Then are those who speed through town on one lane, two-way streets doing everything possible to take the lead - passing in no passing zones, tailgating, passing on shoulders and cutting people off – only to be met by the offended drivers at the next stop light.

When I happen to be one of the oppressed, I so badly want to roll down my window and yell, “GO SPEED RACER . . . GO” or wave a checkered flag out the window, throw my hands up in the air and proclaim, “WINNER!”

The light turns green, they burn off and quickly fade out of sight. A few miles down the road, the same person is on the shoulder discussing his mad driving skills with the local law enforcement. I slow down just enough to grab their attention, then smile and wave while safely driving by.

We have all had experiences with similar situations while driving, but it does not mean we should behave the same way. Too many vehicular accidents occur due to negligent, irresponsible drivers and the addition of new recruits will only lessen our odds of arriving safely to "point B."

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Thursday, June 18, 2009

Good Housekeeping Likes My Blog!

I'm am so excited! Good Housekeeping author, Jen Singer, submitted a review of my blog in her post titled, "Good and Crazy Blogs Worth Bookmarking." Thank you, Jen! I am truly honored!

Jen writes:

. . . Mom's Fortress of Solitude ( Angela McCoy is the mother of four special needs children who just wants us all to pay, or rather to "blog it forward." She asks, "Does it make your heart smile to know you have affected someone's life in a positive way?" If so, her blog is for you. A self-proclaimed "blogaholic," Angela follows some 1,500 blogs and yet, has time to write her own, which is a combination of writing lessons coupled with life lessons about parenting in difficult situations. In "My First True Love," she posts a love letter of sorts to her teenage son about the moment she first saw him: "All that mattered in life was from this moment on." She's a great storyteller, too. In "Swim Away. Swim Away," she writes about the night her son, having just watched Finding Nemo, decided to help his fish escape to the ocean through the toilet. Because, as you know, "All dwains lead to the osean." . . .
My blog is one of three mentioned in her write-up. I have visited the other two blogs she has spotlighted, and they are phenomenal! I would definitely recommend visiting these talent-filled blogs, as well.

Jen included Mom Writer's Literary Magazine Blog, an anthological blog filled with helpful advice from a myriad of contributing mothers.

Good N Crazy by Carissa Rogers is an interactive adventure through motherhood, Carissa style. Carissa offers her readers quality reviews and humorous adventures in parenting.

Carissa states:

I love the bloggy world where I share and connect with thousands of people about the happy, the sad, the rotten, and the silly! I write about my family, my story, my way.

Once again, Jen, thank you so much for the mention. I am honored to be among the rankings of these admirable moms.

Please go visit these blogs. I am certain you will enjoy your stay.

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Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Technorati Profile

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Monday, June 15, 2009

Bejeweled Giveaway from House of Gems!

Momfluence is introducing House of Gems to the blogosphere and twitterverse. How, you ask?

Well, by having an awesome contest, of course!

House of Gems is a one-stop shop for all your jewelry-making needs. With excellent customer service and quality merchadise, House of Gems is an exquisite find!

House of Gems offers free shipping, along with a frequent buyer program just to add to the many other benefits of shopping with them. How can you go wrong?

Contest Details: Have you ever wanted to start your own handmade jewelry store on Etsy or Silkfair, but didn't know where to start? Maybe you already enjoy scrapbooking and knitting and thought beading might be worth a try, but weren't sure about the investment. Now you can win a bracelet making kit plus $75 in product - a $100 value - by entering the "Bejeweled Giveaway" contest.

Ten readers across the Momfluence network blogs will be chosen to win! But there's more! Those ten winners will be able to submit a picture of their completed bracelet to the House of Gems, and one will be chosen to receive a $250 gift certificate, enough product to really jump start your business.

To Enter: Readers must choose one or more ways to enter.

Option 1
Subscribe to one or more of the House of Gems feeds found at http:/
/ - each feed subscription counts as a new entry! Once you've subscribed fill out this entry form

n 2 - Blog about the "Bejeweled Giveaway" contest on your own site then fill out this entry from: Join us on Twitter Saturday, June 27th at 9:00 p.m. eastern for a #houseofgems Site warming party where the 10 winners will be announced!

About the House of Gems: House of Gems, Inc. was established to provide quality beads, pearls, findings, pendants, chains and other jewelry making accessories at wholesale prices, directly to the consumer.

The people behind have been in this business since 1992 and have an extensive network of designers, manufacturers and other direct suppliers to draw upon.

Since they have their own factories,craft shops and import directly, they have the best prices on quality products. Now, with the power of e-commerce they have eliminated the 'middle men', bringing their quality products at low wholesale jewelry prices, directly to your doorstep.

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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Blog it Forward!

I was editing my blog recently so that the most recent posts of all the blogs I'm following would show just below their blog names. I was floored to find out that I'm following a whopping 412 blogs in blogger's blog list widget alone. These are all listed on my right side bar.

This may or may not include all the blogs I subscribe to via email, or the ones I have subscribe to in various readers. I figure between all the blog following sources I have signed up for, I'm keeping track of well over 1,500 blogs! WOWIE WOW WOW! Am I an addict or what?!?

My name is Angela, and I'm a Blogoholic!

So many people have commented on my posts, stating how inspirational my words were to them or how they really needed to hear what I had to say. After seeing how many people I am following, as well as those who follow me, it hit me! Why not create a place dedicated to all those who inspire others, as well as a place where those needing a bit of inspiration can go to find it?

I absolutely love reading about other peoples lives -- their experiences, their opinions, their trials, their victories! I simply cannot get enough! In my comments, I love to inspire those who seem to need a bit of hope in their lives, offering empathy and advice to those who seek it.

Does this make me a nosey busy body? Maybe so . . . I don't know.

What I do know, however, is that I have met some extremely inspirational people in the blogging realm, and I have met quite a few that I have inspired with my stories, as well. For this, I am thankful!

So, I will continue to seek out and follow blogs to which I can relate, or those bloggers who I feel I can inspire in one way or another. So many people have left their footprints in my heart, and have affected my life tremendously with their selfless acts of kindness.

Blogging is my way of making my mark, and making this world a better place. By sharing the trials I have overcome, my humor, my inspiring stories, and receiving positive feedback from my blogging friends, I realize that my mission is being carried out.

I am "Blogging it Forward!" Are you?

  • Do you write to inspire others with your story?
  • Does it make your heart smile to know you have affected someone's life in a positive way?
  • Do you want more traffic to your blog from others seeking inspiration?
  • Do you want to make a positive difference in this world?

Here are the instructions to participate:

Blog it Forward!

  • Copy and Paste this button's code into your blog's sidebar
  • Comment here to let me know you are participating
  • Sign up on Mister Linky
  • Help spread the word by commenting on the inspirational blogs you read, urging the blog' owners to particapte, as well. :o)
  • Twitter this:

Attention Bloggers! Do you want to inspire the world? Sign up to #BlogitForward


Attention Bloggers! Do you want to inspire the world? Sign up here: and join us to #BlogitForward!
  • Post on Facebook
  • Digg it
  • Stumble it
  • Post it everywhere you can
One person can make a difference! Each person signed up will inspire all their readers who, in turn, will inspire their own. The domino effect will make these inspirational accounts spread like wildfire! As a result, the selfless acts of kindness and inspiration, and the greater good principle will outshine the bad, therefore making this world a better place in which to reside.

Award Your Friends!

If you would like to award someone who has an inspirational blog, please follow the directions below:

  • Comment on their blog to let them know you have nominated them.
  • Add their Blog Name and Link in the Mister Linky Gadget.


Congratulations on your award! Now here is what you must do to Blog it Forward!

  1. Write a post about your new award, linking to the person who awarded it to you.
  2. Award 10 more bloggers who inspire you, and link to them in your post.
  3. Comment on their blog, directing the blog owner to this post, so they may copy the code and display it on their side bar. Here is the link:
  4. Your blog name and link should have been listed in Mister Linky by the person who nominated you.
  5. Comment here once you have done all of this so we can read your inspirational nominees' blogs.

Blog it Forward

1. Vicki~Reading At The Beach
2. Vicki~Beach Bum
3. Manuevering Motherhood
4. Anne
6. Babasfarmlife
7. Jenjen@GottaLoveMom
8. SuperMommyToTheRescue
9. Chris @ Inspirational Insights
10. PW
11. Melodie
12. Melodie@Breastfeeding Moms Unite!
13. Katie - Peanut Sprout
14. Stephanie @ Mama Blooms
15. Robin @ A Balanced Life
16. Heidi
17. Shades of Bliss
18. JosiahsMommy
19. Carissa aka {GoodNCrazy}
20. Sweet Serendipity
21. Penelope
22. Karen ~Georgia Angel
23. Melissa
24. Thom

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.

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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A Friendship Blog Award

I was gifted this friendship award titled the "Love ya!" award by B of
Simply B quite some time ago. Thank you so much, B! I apologize that it has taken me so long to write this post. It's been a crazy week around here. B is a gorgeous lady with a heart of gold. Her family is just beautiful! Please go visit her blog here if you'd like to connect with another fabulous mom blogger.

The "Love ya!" award states:

These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement.

Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers.

Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.

I have met so many wonderful bloggers there that it's difficult to choose only eight to pass this award on to.

Please take a moment to read some posts and comment to these awesome bloggers. You'll instantly see why I chose them for the "Love ya!" award.

Mommy's IdeaMomma D and Da BoyzBarefoot Mommies

Did I Just Say That?

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Congratulations, Koby!

Edgewood Eagles Class of 2009

My second oldest son, Koby Dylan graduated from Edgewood last night. The ceremony was held in the auditorium at Highland Park High School.

Koby's older brother will be a senior here this year, and Koby will be a freshman.

He had a very rough start transitioning from three years of homeschooling to junior high.

At the beginning of his fifth grade year, he had extensive absences due to his suppressed immune system, and other side effects of the kidney disease. The next 2 1/2 years were spent being isolated from just about everyone per doctor's orders because of the fact that he was in End Stage Renal Failure, and then again for quite a while after his kidney transplant.

Because of the immunosuppression, his body could not fight off infection well prior to because of the disease itself, and post-transplant, while he was on high doses of prednisone. This little guy had chicken pox as an infant, but this was the first of many battles to come.

Due to the combination of his weaken immune system, and the fact that students in his school entering kindergarten had to receive the live, attenuated vaccine against chicken pox (aka: the herpes zoster virus), Koby would come down with a painful case Shingles every September throughout his elementary career.

The kindergarten children entering school were still shedding this live virus after being innoculated. Most people are not affected by this. Koby, however, with his weakened immune system would pick up everything, and I mean everything. Not only that, he would get whatever was going around 100 times worse than everyone else.

One year prior to the his transplant, I had to homeschool all four of my boys to keep Koby from getting sick. We were on isolation status for the year. That was fun! NOT!

The sacrifice paid off, though. While in End Stage Renal Failure, the simple common cold would have accelerated his loss of kidney function. This would have meant hemodialysis for Koby 3-4 times per week, until a match came up for him, either on the national registery or through the live donor testing we were undergoing at that time.

We knew we had very little time before a transplant was in order, and so did everything we could to keep him stable until a match was found.

Anyhow, this is why we homeschool, and why his graduation last night means so very much to us all. Man! Can I explain things to death, or what?!?

From this point on, I will only write captions for the photos. lol

Koby dressed to the nine in the front yard, prior to the graduation ceremony.

Koby with my oldest son, Brandon.

Yes, my oldest son has a mohawk. He wanted to express himself and be unique. He's a very good kid, though, so I really didn't mind.

The ear piercing about two months afterward, though? OMG!!!! I sooo didn't want him to do that.

What the hey! We have to pick our battles, right?

BONUS: Now, I'm the 'Cool' Mom!

So, this our view from the cheap seats in the back. Koby is one the right side, second row, and first on the left. We could not see him, however, because he was sitting directly behind the tallest kid in the class. LOL

BTW, my camera sucks!

Koby and Brandon hangin' out with
some friends, after the ceremony

Koby figured he'd better start practicing
being a freshman in high school, now.

Striking a pose in front of Brandon's girlfriends' artwork

displayed on the wall.


Mr. Big Stuff!

Only four more
years to go
until you start
supporting ME!

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Swag-a-delic, Baby!

Who Links to Me?

The Fine Print

Creative Commons License
Mom's Fortress of Solitude by Angela McCoy is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. Based on a work at Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

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Angela McCoy is a freelance writer/editor, military wife and work at home mom (WAHM) to four boys with special needs. Her writing encompasses a myriad of topics -- Autism, ADHD, Auditory Processing Disorder, Cystinosis, Fanconi's Syndrome, kidney transplant, and more -- influenced by her two teenagers and seven-year-old twins. She considers writing to be therapeutic and utilizes her skills to counsel and inspire her readers. Angela is a quick-witted, 'no holds barred,' tell it like it is' humorist who has learned that laughter truly is the best antidote to life's adversities.

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